Head & Neck MDT Snapshot Audit

The first of four articles from the Head and Neck MDT Audit has now been published in Head and Neck, read it here!


Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas (HNSCC) are a diverse group of pathologies that can be complex to manage. In the UK, the gold standard of care is to use a multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach as outlined in the British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists (BAHNO) and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines. 

Despite this, standardising head and neck management is difficult due to the regional variation in resources and demographic characteristics. 


INTEGRATE are now recruiting to this multicentre retrospective study investigating the Head and Neck MDT decision making process, compliance with pathway targets and patient outcomes. 

The overall aim of this project is to understand the management of patients with HNSCC discussed at MDT in the UK and assess adherence to national guidelines.

The data collection window is now open, and will close on 24th March 2024.

The data collection window is now closed.


  1. Register your intended participation with INTEGRATE (form link here)
  2. Register with your local audit department/ Caldicott guardian. Please try to do this as soon as possible.
    1. The Study Protocol should streamline this process and a standardised letter to your audit department is provided here.
  3. Identify your patients
    1. Identify the list of patients presented at the Head and Neck MDT from 01/09/21 – 30/11/21. This may require contacting your local MDT co-ordinator or accessing the MDT list through alternative systems (e.g. electronic documentation).
  4. Collect your data
    1. Follow instructions on the Excel Data Tool which is available here.
    2. Make a backup copy of the file to be kept securely
    3. Anonymise the original file by deleting any NHS/ MRN/ CHI numbers and date of birth (if recorded).
  5. Submit your data
    1. Email your anonymised Excel Data Tool to hnmdtaudit@entintegrate.co.uk any time before 24th March 2024
  6. Finally, shortly after registration you will be sent a link to a questionnaire on Survey Monkey. This will be used to assess local MDT adherence to recommendations in the BAHNO standards document. It is imperative that you discuss the answers to this questionnaire with your supervising consultant as completion is mandatory to receiving collaborative authorship on all subsequent publications.


Trainee Site Leads, Consultant Leads and Local Collaborators will be acknowledged for their involvement in this national collaborative audit, in any subsequent outputs, including presentations/publications.

